And all the pandemonium and all the madness
There comes a time where you fade to the blackness
And when you starin' at that phone in your lap
And you hopin' but them people never call you back
There comes a time where you fade to the blackness
And when you starin' at that phone in your lap
And you hopin' but them people never call you back
Hey hey, Airplanes. It wasn't on purpose but I just thought of it so, Im feel sorry for the lost of passengers and their close ones.
So, "Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?" I love this song, because it was what I wished. I will that airplanes can be like shooting stars, for me, for my wishes. I always love the sky, night sky full of stars like they smile at me with luck and happiness. A comfort, A love, like a companion who listens the thoughts.
It's Saturday now! (26/7/14 Time: 12:06am) So just now couple of hours ago I was enjoying my Friday or Fridate with a companion who is just weird(?). After a day of boring, hot and tiring day at work, and the worst was to get up at 7am, headed to get tickets for The Fault in Our Stars with her! Rachel! But we got ourselves some desert instead since I wasn't kin on like full meal nor was she hungry after her meet up with her close friend.
Busy with our Green Tea and Sakura drink (They were so good), not forgetting our overtoast pancake along with the delay serving( ain't a happy customer) we were late for our movie, but we didn't like miss alot, so we are good and it was her second time, for me? I will watch again though in my cosy room (NOT) with tissues.
Yes~ Tissues. The Fault In Our Stars (TFIOS) is great, good and amazing. It's romance, It's love, It's Friendship, It's Family, It's about Positive thinking etc. First, Augustus reminds me of Ansel (what the hell am I saying). What I meant was, the way like playful and cheeky way, its like Ansel, not Augustus. I like that! Second, I cried so badly. I cry in alot of movies but never one that I cried till I'm so tired, so tired that I think my brain just stop a minute. And I have no idea why or what I am feeling. No reason to why I actually felt so sick, so sad or even so pain. After the movie I had no mood for anything even to finish up the last book of The Mortal Instruments. That's how it affected me, good and bad. I'm dying to control my brain as I type all this... Third, I have yet start on the book, not that I don't want, but I am a really soft person, I will cry and crying in the public is weird so I will start at home! Since I have yet start the book, I look forward to how the perspective will be done. Such a show with less drama and cast it's the perspective that matters. So looking forward to it. And Lastly, This movie is really amazing, I was feeling the emotions, thank you actors and actresses. I really think it is amazing. Guys might be like why are you girls crying to this shit and all, but the thing is, some cry cause of the meaning be it love or lost. And some cry cause they relate to their life and think what have they done. Many reasons. I really believe this is one of the best in 2014.
After the show, Crying like no business that I didn't want to leave the theatre (Red eyes, nose and tiring eyes). So after, headed home sending Rachel to bus stop and all. Thought of waiting for Yida since been a while since we meet and talk, but he didn't want and Im fine (I guess, or too tired to care) and Im HOME! yay to me.
I actually have no idea what I'm typing. Cause it's hard to show how you feel in words, but thats my only way I guess since I dont express myself much. I can never show surprise or touch or happy or even comforting. I guess I close myself too much. But I don't know yet. Like some people I tend to be careful with my words cause I don't want to hurt them since I believe I hurt enough and fought enough that its bad. Some, I felt that I owe them too much for being too nice to me that I felt like someone who eat them (use them). It's bad. I didn't like hang out with nice people because I use them, I know I will And it sucks. It felt like I will talk to them only because of this and that then dump them that kind of thing. But I thank god there is someone I can still say EVERYTHING and ANYTHING to. It's not that she dont feel hurt or I don't care about her hurt, it's that I tend to feel her, like she will just share the same thinking to whatever we talk about or even like say me, though I'm older, but I rather and love it when she treats me like a friend her age like we don't care about that barrier which is a bother to me. Thank you.
And there is just this one person, who I want to care. But it felt like he didn't want my care.
And I'm like sticking to how things work now, One Choice. If you don't want then I won't.
Another thought, July a month that I say bye to my money, but Idk... why... so... quick that it hurts.
I need another bank account to lock my money.

F.R.I.E.N.D.S is the best to my life;
guess who is my favourite!
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