Sunday, July 20, 2014


I’m lying here whispering the sweetest nothing
I feel your heart beating faster than you’re breathing
And I don’t even know if I can close my eyes
Don’t want to sleep cause I’m wide awake and dreaming
Hold me close and catch your breath now
I promise not to leave this bed yet

Heyo~ Just got back from a little company night with Rachel and Malcolm. Been ages I saw Malcolm so it was a good night with the talking. It was a good place to chill at since, it was Rachel's first time and also we didn't want any serious drinking going on. There was alot going in my mind as we met and chat, I like how there is a friend with the almost same ideation as I am. We have the thoughts of be away much the city life.

I have something on my mind, something bothering me much. Kiri. One, slight guilt yet not at all of not asking her. Or to be honest, what might I even do if I see her and to the fact Im drinking. I won't be chilling. I guess I will be drowning to misery like how I did that night. Miserable. Two, who knows for godsake what is she thinking, against or not against Malcolm? Sorry I won't stop being friend with someone even if you don't like. Third, distance? like Locations~ Still most importantly is reason ONE! of cause, after all she had done. Time for some figuring out and understand the mistake man.

One thing we talk about tonight, people these days. Society, relations. These days, 99% of the people CANNOT be alone. True enough. Alone doing things is like a torture. Alone meaning no technology. It sounds pathetic to me, yes I can't tolerate without company too, but majority of the times I enjoy ALONE. like no phone, no tablet, throw everything aside and chill by looking around, chill with a book (a company) It's like a good deal to have, I believe this is what people should do, not start over thinking about life, or about why this people dont like me or dont call me.

I have friends who use to be so close, but as time pass they found a better friend, and what? No way I lock her or glue her to me. People leave, but if they are in your mind, they will always be. Because I have friends, we dont talk nor do we meet, but we have each other the way that suddenly one will call and say let's meet and nothing. Cause we know how much we meant to each other.

Life, people come and go. Is the heart that matters.


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