So, I really don't know why the people I really love will find someone they love even more, i don't know. Alright, I am not in love or what just, I treat certain people alot more than others and they are to the extend of Bestfriend and more. But just suddenly when you know your bestfriend likes someone even better than you and think that that person is more reliable, it feels like shit. It doesn't feel good. It hurts. Because you love the person.
And there are those whom you care and love, but sometimes just trigger you to not like them or what. Like when that happen, all I ask for is an apology. Don't expect me to accept "I don't know" or "Accidental" cause that's a lie. As much as I want to care you made me not to. And I have given up even though I still care time to time.
And there are also friends who stick by you asking how your day and talk to you on a daily basic. Thank you.
Let me end this with Sanghun oppa in sobok cause Im dying to meet and I miss him.
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