Hey hey~ Photo of Stitch and Toothless aint it cute? Check more out at http://tsaoshin.com/ or http://tsaoshin.deviantart.com/ . I adore the work that is done by Tsaoshin:)
Anyway, hello again, I know I blogged before that like 2 to 3 am before I go to bed! Got up and check my studies, and well, I am thinking if to even leave here, when so many things to think and be bothered about. I can't leave actually, with my brother like this. I am thinking if to leave 3 years later, but it will be too late, not too late but too long. but what can I do when he is such a trouble.
Anyway, I shall update on one of my trips as promise, my Hong Kong trip comes first:) Enjoy!
Day 1 to/at Hong Kong!
Got up at 3am to get ready for the airport, and took a very smooth sailing, and smooth landing *thumbs up pilot* Got straight for my staying, an apartment instead of hotels since the hotels are real small and real expensive. A quick lunch opposite where we (Relatives, Relatives' friends) stay, before we headed for some small shopping.

Look at the sky;---;

Puff Cotton Candy~

My Must Watch, 100% & B2ST, after all they are my overall love!

Hello Hong Kong! Apparently the weather is good, but misty/hazy/cloudy, You can't get a very good landscape view and is quite cold, just about 18 degrees?

Typical Hong Kong, hello tall buildings!

Opposite of where we are staying~ a quick meal before we start shopping

Packed train ;---------;

Since everyone got hungry with walking, got a quick dinner at Lady street, surprisingly it was good. but I still find their portion big >_____<

The crowd~~~~ amazing huh! hahaha, shopping~~~

Ending my first day with dessert~ hohoho my favourite though its not as good as before~

and my brother with my piyo chan~
Day 2 at Hong Kong!
Got up about 7am, and get really for OCEAN PARK! (For Animal lovers and/or Theme Park lovers, this is a MUST! I am not a person who fancy rides like height or speed type, but I love the animals so my cousin went for the rides while I go for the animals. And talking about theme parks, I rather Ocean Park than Disneyland, I went Disneyland on my first trip and I don't like it because there is nothing much *seriously* and it can be completed all in a day but if you like to catch the fireworks go on the friday and weekend if I'm right, at about 10pm you can catch them!) I will have the pictures speak about the park(?)

Crazy working hours~ look at the people~

OTTERS~ They are so cute and funny, the things they do are really sweet too.


Cable views~

My cousin and I~

The show~ haha This photo above is hilarious, never thought it will be funny because everyone thought it was part of the show, apparently this little guy sneak out to the stage and the trainer that was trying to get him back, but he was having fun in the water until he was offered 2 fishes then he happily got back behind the stage.

Jelly fishy~

My ulti favourite penguins~

I wish the bear was real:(

Pretty walrus~

Another of my love, Panda... not butt but Panda~

"Can you see me?" hahaha
This is my second time back to see the pandas, I remember my first was when the Panda poo-ed in front of my sight and Im so amazed by how hard is was and the shape is a freaking RUGBY BALL! AND AND IT BOUNCED hahahaha. This time I came back to a sleepy head and a lazy head,

Dinner~ near where Im staying~ good dinner, not to bad:D

Penguin and my shirokuma~
Day 3 at Hong Kong!
Finally the BEST part! Alright, the good part, got up slightly late and headed for TIM OH WAN! (Okay, I never heard or been to any in Singapore before, SERIOUSLY! NO LIES! haha, but I went to one n Singapore after I got back and... I'm really disappointed, and judging much to someone saying it is SUPER NICE, sorry dude! and I still don't get what's the queue in Singapore and the hype of it, I can find better and cheaper dim sums in Singapore.) I'm someone who like to look for good food from it's original place (if possible). So yes, went to one of the outlet at neighborhood areas, had to queue (partly the number of people) I will let the picture speak again~ Right after, headed for light shopping since my cousin and I saw anime selling stuff, they are real cheap replicas (don't expect real) but quite worth to pay, I got myself a replica Kuroko Megahouse figurine piece. Then we got to do some shopping since the area is full of wholesale stuff (toys and clothes especially), they do sell piece by piece too but only selected ones by the owners. Nightfall and we headed to Apartment then to Sino Center (AGAIN) because my cousin still wants to see since we didn't walk finish. After, we got to a small "pah sah malam" near where we stay with our Mums and a small dessert place below where we stay, it was real good though I didn't eat them totally.

my boys~<3


(I hate Century Eggs Porridge but, THIS IS AMAZING HEAVEN)


Oh! Hi peasant~ how can I.... OH What's that strip? for me to play?!

Did you say no? then shoo! Don't take my picture!


Burn~ Burn~ Camp... I mean Dessertfire burn burn~
Day 4 at Hong Kong!
Got to some sightseeing where you see the "Arena of Stars" aka the Chinese version of Hollywood where stars have their names and signatures and hand print there! Jackie Chan is there! So is Tony Leong, Andy Lau, etc! We got to some museum after since my relatives bought them, (I'm not the type of person who fancies such things when I could done more outside in a foreign country) We got lunch after that before proceeding to buy almond biscuits since we couldn't go to Macau! And got back to our accommodation, with me spending a time alone with my mum (Finally:) )


My lunch, a real sad story about this lunch. I was enjoying it then... buzz buzz, a BIG housefly plop in.and I have to wave goodbye to my curry (ps, the curry is very thick so...)

Hi Lay and Chen! Happen to saw EXO standees outside Nature Republic when shopping

Hi Tao & Kris!
(psk, got a little lazy with words so... pictures )

This shop is famous for the fish cake and fish ball, all handmade:) and YES I LOVE THEIR FISHBALL!

super pack train~ >_<

This auntie is really adorable, we communicated with broken canto, and she recognise us for visiting her shop for 4 times, she laughs when she sees us.:)

Morning news paper is a must:)

Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah~ dance version :D

Yeap, thats all for the trip, Price changes and food aint as good as before. And this time nothing much was done due to the company we are with. hahaha
Got to some sightseeing where you see the "Arena of Stars" aka the Chinese version of Hollywood where stars have their names and signatures and hand print there! Jackie Chan is there! So is Tony Leong, Andy Lau, etc! We got to some museum after since my relatives bought them, (I'm not the type of person who fancies such things when I could done more outside in a foreign country) We got lunch after that before proceeding to buy almond biscuits since we couldn't go to Macau! And got back to our accommodation, with me spending a time alone with my mum (Finally:) )


My lunch, a real sad story about this lunch. I was enjoying it then... buzz buzz, a BIG housefly plop in.and I have to wave goodbye to my curry (ps, the curry is very thick so...)

Hi Lay and Chen! Happen to saw EXO standees outside Nature Republic when shopping

Hi Tao & Kris!
(psk, got a little lazy with words so... pictures )

This shop is famous for the fish cake and fish ball, all handmade:) and YES I LOVE THEIR FISHBALL!

super pack train~ >_<

This auntie is really adorable, we communicated with broken canto, and she recognise us for visiting her shop for 4 times, she laughs when she sees us.:)

Morning news paper is a must:)

Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah~ dance version :D

Yeap, thats all for the trip, Price changes and food aint as good as before. And this time nothing much was done due to the company we are with. hahaha
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