Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Hey! So, I have started and motivated and..
I sell stuffs away,

time to set my goals right,
Save the money and be how I use to be.

D Boys! haha Original family :D
Many Graduated, Many resigned.
But Many joined :D
Is like how D Date was

Koji, Arayan, Naka-chan and Igara-kun were the main 4
and Arata kun (Youngest STILL) Joined but...
Naka-chan left :'(( totally even WE.
Tomo chan joined but Igara kun left.
D Date is back to 4. and and and Igara kun resigned...
But, Im lucky/ not lucky.
WE never get out of Japan and Im like...
It is a good thing the other hand,
I won't spend money. LOL.
But I love how the DBoys family growing.
though I miss the first cast of DBoys.
Prince of Tennis Live Action.
My Cast of Dboys.
Musical of POT:')
Everything about POT is just the boys ;--;

*fyi, I have no idea what i am saying lol*

Heyo! haha!
Created another Twitter and a Weibo acc.
Don't ask me why but I have this feeling that I won't touch it.
Just created for fun, apparently weibo is for Evan and Anthony
Twitter is for B2ST, Bakepo, FLOW, DDATE,DBOYS,KMF2
There is so many counting down to do,
Flow Single and Album
Kis My Ft2 Single (again)
BtoB's comeback~
100%'s comeback as well.
whatever it is I will support from far.

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